Emotion Code for Pets


Lucy has PTSD. Her mom doesn't know all that much about her history except for the physical evidence of abuse and multiple litters. Lucy is a rescue dog and she needed help. She couldn't make eye contact with her adoptive mom. She had wild outbursts at the UPS man, skateboarders, and other dogs. Her owner suspected that Lucy never even had a puppy-hood. She really didn't know how to play with toys or with other dogs.

Lucy sleeping in chair.jpg

I remember the day of our first Emotion Code session. The owner called me up that morning to voice her concerns about Lucy. She told me not to make eye contact with Lucy, not to try to pet her or make any sudden moves. I admit for a split second I was a little nervous. 
So Lucy and Mom came over and I followed her instructions. After Lucy began to settle down in the office we began our session. We worked on Lucy through her owner as the surrogate and released several emotions.  Within 30 minutes Lucy, who weighs 70 pounds, was flopping up against my legs and rolling over for belly rubs. She also drank lots of water from the bowl. Her owner was quite surprised as she remarked when she first arrived that Lucy wouldn't drink the water I put out for her. The vet had even told her when she first adopted Lucy that she would need to flavor the water with some broth in order for Lucy to drink it. Lucy also really liked the magnet being rolled down her back when we released the trapped emotions.

Not much happened after the first session. Lucy slept real well when she got home. In fact she snored loudly. But that was it for the first day or two.

Then things started to shift, Lucy started to play more and decided that she was smaller than she thought.....puppy small. (That's Lucy above in her new favorite 'too small' chair.)

We had another session a couple weeks later clearing more and more trapped emotions. About a week after her second session I got an email from the owner that said that she really didn't see a lot of changes. Lucy was a little better.  Then two days later she wrote again and said she spoke too soon. Lucy had changed! She could make extended eye contact and the explosive barking was beginning to subside.

And now for the first time Lucy played with other dogs at the doggy day care! Playing with toys has also become a favorite pastime.  Below is a photo of Flea, or shall we say, Intensive Care Flea, now that Lucy has had her fun.

Lucy's toy.jpg

Do you have a pet that has issues? Feel free to share your stories below the fold. I'd love to hear from you!